Divide Your Housework into Daily and Weekly Chores

By admin October 29, 2020 Cleaning Tips ,

Not all chores in your household need to be done every single day. This would only put an enormous strain on your body, and leave you completely exhausted. To prevent this, coming up with your daily/weekly chores checklist will be extremely valuable and help you cope with your workload with much less effort. 

If you’re not sure how to divide your chores, no worries. The top maid service in Boulder is here to present you with the simplest strategy available. Stay tuned and cleaning will become a whole lot easier.

What chores need to be done dailyWhat chores need to be done daily?

A great way of doing chores more efficiently is by establishing a daily/weekly housework routine. To tackle shorter tasks first, here are some you should do on a daily basis: 

Cleaning the bedroom

To give your bedroom a quick makeover, here’s what you can do: 

  • Make the bed.
  • Put your belongings in their place (put your clothes in a hamper and make your kids put the toys away). 
  • Get rid of dirt, spills, and other smaller messes. 

Handling the mess in your kitchen

Follow this method to keep your kitchen guest-friendly every day:

  • Do the dishes after every meal. Leave them on the rack to air dry, then put your dishes back in their place.
  • Clean your countertops, stovetop, and the outside of appliances. This includes your coffee maker, fridge, dishwasher, etc. 
  • Clean up any spills, dirt, and vacuum high-traffic areas. 
  • Throw away or move all leftover food and ingredients.

Chores in other areas of your house

This is how you can cover most of the remaining areas in your house: 

  • Go through your mail to keep the clutter at bay. Sort out your bills and important documents, and throw unnecessary envelopes or other items in the trash. 
  • Vacuum important areas such as your main entry. This is one of the ways that can help you keep dust away from your home.
  • Check for any spills and dirt. 
  • Put books, blankets, and toys back where they belong. 
  • Give your bathroom a quick wipe-down. Pay attention to your counters, sinks, faucets, and mirrors. 
  • Finally, take out the trash.

What chores should be done weekly?

To distribute your weekly chores equally for all seven days, you should assign each of your chores to a day of the week. For instance, if you’re especially concerned about getting higher air quality in your house, you could inspect your vents every Sunday. 

In addition, if one of your days is packed with housework, you should assign an easy chore for that day. This way, you won’t lose too much of your time. On top of that, this reasonable cleaning frequency enables you to rationalize your energy and water consumption.

Here are some chores you should include in your weekly cleaning routine: 

The bedroom

Weekly bedroom chores shouldn’t be too demanding. Here’s what they typically involve: 

  • Arranging your belongings in drawers and the closet. 
  • Washing and replacing your sheets.
  • Sweeping or vacuuming.

The kitchen 

When it comes to your kitchen, you can expect a bit more chores on a weekly basis: 

  • Sweep or vacuum, and mop the floor. 
  • Throw away unused leftovers, and spoiled food from the fridge, and the freezer. Wipe the inside and rinse the detachable parts.
  • Wipe down your appliances and cabinets, and dust other surfaces. 

The bathroom

Your bathroom may also require a bit more elbow grease. Here’s what you should do every week: 

  • Scrub all surfaces thoroughly to prevent the potential spread of germs.
  • Wash towels and rugs.
  • Clean your shower walls and tubs.

The unrivaled maid service in Boulder always rises to the occasion What chores should be done weekly

No matter how much cleaning needs to be done in your home, Blue Spruce Maids are here for you. We’ll vacuum your carpets to perfection, make your kitchen cabinets sparkle, and meet any other demand. This way, cleaning will no longer be your concern, and you’ll be free to explore the Museum of Contemporary Art Denver and take in all the majestic exhibits. 

Just contact us, and our team of tried-and-true cleaners will be at your doorstep, eager to deliver a spotless home. 

Book now! Blue Spruce Maids leave no room for error.


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