Everyday Chores: How Much Time Should You Spend on Them?

By admin October 29, 2020 Cleaning Tips ,

No one wants to spend a whole day doing chores. The longer you clean, the more energy you lose throughout the day. Not only does this fatigue you, but it also makes you much less focused on your other daily obligations. Therefore, finding the right measure when handling chores is extremely important. 

To help you determine how much time you should spend doing housework, your top-rated maid service in Boulder, CO is here to share its insight. Keep reading and find out how to clean more efficiently.

How long should I spend cleaning my houseHow often should I do household chores? 

A practical approach to housework is dividing your chores into daily and weekly tasks. This is because not all areas of your home require the same amount of maintenance. Some rooms simply get dirtier than others. Having that in mind, here’s how often you should do some of the most common chores: 

Cleaning your kitchen countertops 

You should clean your kitchen countertops on a daily basis. This will prevent heavy food build-up as well as vicious bacteria from spreading across a large surface. 

Changing the sheets 

Make sure to change all your sheets at least once a week. Dirt and sweat tend to accumulate very quickly on these surfaces, given that you spend 8 hours every night lying on them. Moreover, the number of dust mites can rise significantly, and cause severe allergic reactions if you don’t change your sheets.

Cleaning the fridge 

Clean your fridge thoroughly at least once every two weeks. This way, you won’t run the risk of large mold formations, and you’ll avoid rotten food contaminating other items in your fridge. 

Cleaning the toilet 

Cleaning your toilet is one of the most important chores, considering that each square inch of the seat can be home to at least 50 types of dangerous bacteria. To cut the risk of contracting an infection, deep clean your toilet at least once a week. 

Cleaning your fan vents 

Keeping your vents in good condition is an integral part of ensuring better home air quality. To do so, clean them at least once a month, and dust, pollen, or other allergens won’t keep your vents from operating properly.

Dusting your home

To maintain your home in a dust-free state, you should dust easy-to-reach areas once a month. As for hard-to-reach surfaces such as door frames, ceilings, and corners, cleaning them every three to six months should do the trick.

How long should I spend cleaning my house?

Since you don’t want to feel absolutely spent after doing housework, it’s important to find a routine that won’t deplete all your energy. But also, you still want to get some work done so that your home remains a healthy environment. 

With this in mind, spending 20 minutes per day on cleaning should deliver the best results on both fronts. This specific amount of time represents the average length of most adults’ sustained attention span. During this time frame, you won’t need to invest all your efforts into cleaning, and you’ll still be able to complete a task or two. 

Book your go-to maid service in Boulder, CO for spectacular results maid service superior

Any moment you spend doing housework is a moment that would be better used at the 16th Street Mall and other action-packed places in Denver. Fortunately, we can take cleaning off your hands right now! 

Just hire our blue-ribbon maids and they’ll make each room of your house shine like never before. You can reach out to us with just a few clicks, and witness our commitment and professionalism firsthand. 

Book Blue Spruce Maids now! Our expert cleaners leave nothing to be desired.

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