Is My Home Clean Enough?

By admin March 27, 2020 Cleaning Tips ,

Is My Home Clean Enough?

We are all struggling to keep our homes as clean as possible, especially when we know that unannounced guests can surprise us at any moment. However, this is not always easy, and it requires great discipline and a lot of time and energy.

Under all this pressure, you may be tempted just to give up and let the mess run its course. Unfortunately, this is never a good solution. Instead, you should think about hiring reliable cleaning services and let the licensed and skilled cleaning technicians from Thornton and the area help you out.

If you’re now wondering how to know whether your home is well-maintained, or if you need to put some extra effort into cleaning it, here is what you need to know:

Is it normal to have a messy house?Is it normal to have a messy house

While you should always strive to keep your home as clean as possible, a certain amount of mess will always be there. You just need to learn how to draw a line between what’s acceptable and what’s not.

For example, if you have children, it’s absolutely unreasonable to expect that all their toys will be perfectly packed in their toy bin. However, this doesn’t mean that you should let them leave their toys scattered all over the bathroom and kitchen. Here are a few other examples when a little bit of mess is perfectly normal:

  • Your dishes have piled up. This is definitely not a pretty sight, but it can happen from time to time, and you shouldn’t beat yourself up over it. You may have had to stay a few extra hours at work or your child got a fever. These things happen and they can easily mess up our cleaning schedule.
  • You haven’t had time to vacuum your carpets this week. Keeping your carpets clean is crucial in order to maintain good air quality and keep allergens at bay. However, it has happened to everyone, at least once, that they were too swamped with other obligations that this task has just slipped their mind. Luckily, professional cleaners are always there to step in!
  • You forgot the trash day. We’ve all been there. Just make sure not to make this a habit because an overfilled trashcan can really spoil the appeal of your kitchen and create an environment in which germs can multiply easily.

How clean should my house be?

The simplest answer to this question would be: “as clean as possible”. However, since you probably need to juggle hundreds of daily obligations, sometimes you will need to prioritize your cleaning chores. You should try to determine what parts of your home need to be cleaned more urgently and start with them:

  1. Your bathroom. A smudgy sink and stained toilet are a big no-no. These are the places where bacteria and viruses will thrive if you don’t keep them properly sanitized. Maintaining proper cleanliness and sanitation in your home is crucial to create a healthy and hygienic living environment. Certain areas, such as the sink and toilet, require extra attention as they can easily become breeding grounds for bacteria and viruses if not properly cleaned and sanitized.
    The sink, being a frequently used area for washing dishes, hands, and various items, can accumulate dirt, grime, and food particles over time. This provides an ideal environment for bacteria to thrive and multiply. Regularly cleaning the sink with a disinfectant cleaner, and paying attention to the drain and faucet handles, can help eliminate harmful microorganisms and prevent the spread of illness-causing germs. Similarly, a stained toilet is not only unsightly but also a potential harbor for bacteria and viruses.
    Toilet bowls can accumulate mineral deposits, hard water stains, and organic matter, which can provide a breeding ground for harmful pathogens. Regular and thorough cleaning using a toilet bowl cleaner and scrubbing brush is essential to remove stains and disinfect the surface, ensuring a sanitary and hygienic environment for you and your family. It’s important to note that when cleaning these areas, using proper cleaning techniques and products is essential.
    Using disinfectants or cleaners specifically designed to kill bacteria and viruses, following the instructions on the product, and allowing sufficient contact time for effective disinfection are key steps in maintaining a sanitized environment. By giving attention to these commonly used areas and incorporating regular cleaning and sanitization practices into your routine, you can minimize the presence of harmful microorganisms and create a healthier living space for yourself and your loved ones.
  2. Your kitchen. Cleaning your fridge and kitchen countertops should be your #1 priority. This way, you’ll prevent the accelerated growth of germs that can spoil your groceries and even cause food poisoning. When it comes to maintaining a safe and hygienic kitchen, giving priority to cleaning your fridge and kitchen countertops is essential. These areas are susceptible to the growth and spread of germs, which can not only spoil your groceries but also lead to foodborne illnesses.
    Starting with the fridge, it’s important to regularly clean and sanitize its interior to prevent the buildup of bacteria, mold, and unpleasant odors. Begin by removing all the items from the fridge and discarding any expired or spoiled food. Wipe down the shelves, drawers, and walls of the fridge using a mixture of warm water and mild dish soap or a designated refrigerator cleaner. Pay special attention to any spills or stains, as these can harbor bacteria. Once cleaned, rinse the surfaces thoroughly and dry them before returning the food items to their designated places.
    Next, turn your attention to the kitchen countertops, which are prone to accumulating bacteria from raw foods, spills, and general food preparation. Start by clearing the countertops of any items or debris. Clean the surfaces with hot soapy water or a suitable surface cleaner, using a clean sponge or cloth. Pay attention to corners, edges, and seams, where dirt and bacteria can accumulate. For an extra layer of sanitation, you can use a mixture of water and mild bleach (follow the manufacturer’s instructions for dilution ratios) or a designated disinfectant spray.
    Be sure to rinse the countertops thoroughly after using any cleaning agents to ensure the removal of any residue. By making the cleaning of your fridge and kitchen countertops a top priority, you can significantly reduce the risk of accelerated germ growth, which can spoil your groceries and potentially lead to food poisoning. Regular maintenance and cleanliness in these areas will contribute to a healthier and safer kitchen environment for you and your family.
  3. Your bedroom. Keeping your bedroom clean at all times is essential because you spend a large portion of your day there. Dirty sheets are home to numerous flu and virus germs that can seriously harm your health, so you should always try to change them regularly. Maintaining a clean and tidy bedroom is of utmost importance, considering the significant amount of time we spend in this personal space. Among the various cleaning tasks, paying special attention to your sheets is crucial, as they can harbor germs that may jeopardize your health and well-being.
    Dirty sheets can become a breeding ground for a multitude of germs, including flu viruses and bacteria. Throughout the day, we shed dead skin cells, sweat, and oils, which accumulate on the sheets. Additionally, dust, allergens, and microscopic particles can settle on the bedding. If left unattended, these factors create an ideal environment for germs to thrive. To minimize the risk of illness and maintain a healthy sleep environment, it is recommended to change your sheets regularly. The frequency may vary depending on individual preferences, but a general guideline is to aim for once every one to two weeks. However, if you’re ill or have been in close contact with someone who is sick, it’s advisable to change them more frequently.
    When changing your sheets, remove them carefully and place them directly into the laundry. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for washing and drying, using an appropriate temperature and detergent to ensure proper cleanliness. It’s also a good practice to regularly vacuum and dust your bedroom to reduce the presence of allergens and airborne particles. In addition to clean sheets, maintaining overall cleanliness in your bedroom is important. Regularly dusting surfaces, vacuuming or sweeping the floor, and keeping personal items organized can contribute to a healthier and more comfortable environment.
    By prioritizing cleanliness and changing your sheets regularly, you can significantly reduce the risk of exposure to harmful germs and create a clean and inviting bedroom that promotes better sleep and overall well-being.

How do you keep your house clean all the time?Is My Home Clean Enough

If you want to keep your house clean at all times, you need to create a proper cleaning schedule and learn how to complete your chores efficiently and effectively. Here are a few easy steps that can help you achieve this with zero hassle:

  • Create separate schedules for your daily, weekly, and monthly chores.
  • Invest in quality equipment and green cleaning products.
  • Have a place for everything in order to avoid clutter.
  • Wipe up messes as they happen instead of leaving them for later.
  • If you don’t have time for a big clean-up, do at least one chore daily.
  • Have your cleaning professional at speed dial.

It’s booking time! Hire the best cleaning services in Thornton and beyond

Looking for dependable house cleaning professionals to keep your home squeaky clean year-round? Blue Spruce is ready to answer your call! Our unmatched cleaning professionals specialize in a number of residential cleaning services. We provide comprehensive regular service visit and initial service visit checklists, as well as move-in/move-out cleaning services.

Discover the difference with our residential cleaning services. We specialize in cleaning services for residential spaces, offering a thorough and impeccable cleaning. Trust us to transform your home into a spotless haven. Your satisfaction is our commitment!

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