How to Deep Clean Your Bedroom the Right Way

By admin November 30, 2020 Cleaning Tips ,

Every room requires some deep cleaning from time to time. The same goes for your bedroom. This is especially true if it’s a high-traffic area, even if you’re the only person using it. Having a reliable bedroom deep cleaning routine is the only fail-safe way to stay on top of things and enjoy a clean and fresh bedroom all the time.

If you’re looking for the perfect bedroom cleaning routine, who better to ask for advice than industry experts with a strong track record in providing maid service in Westminster, CO. Read on for valuable insight!

What is the proper way to clean a bedroom?

Cleaning your bedroom follows a principle similar to that of the step-by-step cleaning routine of your living room. First things first, you’ll need to declutter the room and then start cleaning it. Here are the steps you should take:

  • Get rid of the clutter: Remove things that don’t belong in the bedroom. Put clothes on your coat hangers, and put dirty laundry in the hamper or your washer.
  • Dust fan blades: Use an old pillowcase or a microfiber cloth to dust your fan blades and light fixtures.
  • Remove cobwebs: Take down any spider webs from the corners using a broomstick.
  • Vacuum the carpet: Make sure to cover the area under your bed and behind other pieces of furniture. You can also vacuum the mattress.

But the work isn’t done yet. You’ll also need to perform some deep cleaning tasks described in the following section.

cleaning house servicesHow do I deep clean my bedroom?

Any type of deep cleaning, be it deep cleaning of the bathroom or cleaning and scrubbing the kitchen from top to bottom, will require you to use a variety of cleaning supplies. When it comes to the bedroom, here’s what you’ll need:

  • A powerful vacuum cleaner
  • Clean rags or microfiber cloths
  • Mild soap and warm water
  • A glass cleaner
  • A cotton mop or duster with a long handle

Gather all the supplies and you can start doing the following tasks:

Start a load in the washer

Put all your dirty laundry in the washer and start a cycle. This way, the machine will do its work while you handle the rest.

Clean your pillows

Hand wash your foam pillows and let them air dry outdoors if possible. For man-made fabrics (e.g., nylon and cotton), you can put them in the washer and use a detergent that doesn’t produce too much sud.

Wash windows and walls

Dust walls with your cotton mop or duster. Also, wash your window tracks and sills using warm soapy water and a microfiber cloth. Use a glass cleaner to polish your windows.

Clean other surfaces

Take out your clothes from the closets, vacuum the corners with a crevice tool, and wipe down the shelves with a damp cloth.

Take down your curtains and put them in your washer. Alternatively, you can clean them carefully with your vacuum according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Use a damp microfiber cloth to clean other surfaces such as door frames, lamps, and bureau drawers.

Clean the floor

Freshen up your carpet by sprinkling baking soda and letting it rest for several minutes. Afterward, vacuum the carpet in each direction.

Additionally, vacuum and mop your hardwood floors, and wipe down your baseboards with a cloth and soapy water.

How often should you deep clean your bedroom?

Deep clean your bedroom at least once a year. Apart from your light cleaning, this will help maintain the cleanliness of your bedroom. Moreover, deep cleaning ensures that no dust mites settle in your mattresses, pillows, and bedding.

Turn to the go-to maid service in Westminster, CO

How do I deep clean my bedroom

Blue Spruce Maids are famous for their friendly approach, comprehensive cleaning techniques, and personalized service and customer care. We can deep clean your house like no other cleaning service in the area, and ensure you’re no longer swamped with housework.

Transform your home with our comprehensive house deep cleaning service. Our dedicated team offers a deep clean house service that leaves no corner untouched. Experience a fresh, immaculate living space. Book now for a pristine home that truly shines!

Just reach out to us whenever you need a helping hand, and we’ll make sure cleaning doesn’t get in the way of your trip to Red Rocks Park.

Schedule our services now!

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