How to Clean Your Home After a Holiday Party 

By admin January 10, 2022 Cleaning Tips , Organization ,

How to Clean Your Home After a Holiday Party 

Every homeowner looks forward to the holidays. They get to reconnect with their family and friends by throwing a memorable party. That said, you may regret your decision to throw a party once you see how much cleaning you need to do the next morning. There may be spills all over the floor, and your couch may be covered in dirt.

However, there’s no need to despair, as the renowned Louisville house cleaning services are by your side. We’ll share a few handy tips on tidying up your place after the holidays to help return it to immaculate condition. Read on!

How do you clean up after the holidays?

Preparing your home for the holiday party is usually much easier than cleaning up the place afterward. In many cases, you don’t have much time for housework since you need to get back to work or can’t find the motivation to clean.

Fortunately, you can follow an effective cleaning routine to deal with the work more easily. Here’s what it involves:


The chances are you’ve accumulated a lot of stuff during the holidays. To deal with the mess, remove all unnecessary possessions from various containers. This includes kitchen cabinets, a wardrobe, and a living room table.

Focus on the kitchen

The kitchen receives a lot of traffic during the holiday season due to all the cooking. This is what you can do to make it look good as new:

  • Clean the inside of the freezer and fridge.
  • Scour the external components of blenders and mixers.
  • Scrub the dishwasher, oven, sink, and area under your sink.
  • Clean the drawers and cabinets inside and out.

Address the upholstery

You’ve been sitting on furniture all winter. And if you’ve invited people over, even more dust and dirt have built up on the upholstery. It can get even worse if you have pets that like to spend time on the couch.

To clean your upholstery, use a solution of white vinegar and water. Spray it across dirty areas and let it sit for a couple of minutes before wiping it away with a microfiber cloth.

How do you clean the house after a party?

Holiday parties are great, but they often get out of hand, leaving your home in disarray. We will tell you how to properly clean your home desks. Luckily, you can get back on track fairly easily:

  • Open windows to eliminate foul odors
  • Throw away empty bottles and plastic glasses
  • Put blankets, bed linen, and sheets in the washer
  • Do the dishes
  • Clean table stains with a cloth and all-purpose cleaner
  • Scrub the toilet and bathroom sink

Elevate your holiday party with flair! Enroll in bartending school to mix festive drinks like a pro. Create memorable moments sip by sip.

How do you clean the floor after a party?

Your floors typically suffer the most during parties due to spills and dirty shoes. Nevertheless, cleaning them shouldn’t be too much of a challenge:

  • Pour 1-2 tablespoons of dish soap into a bucket of warm water.
  • Mix the solution and apply it to your floors with a mop.
  • Scrub the floors, paying attention to sticky areas.
  • Rinse your floors after each section and change the water if it gets too dirty.
  • Let the area air dry.

house service cleaningStruggling to tidy up your home? Book the first-rate Louisville house cleaning services to end your troubles!

Returning your Louisville home to tip-top shape after the holidays can be extremely challenging. Partying all night may have exhausted you, so you might be tempted to leave the place as is. But there’s no reason to live in a messy house because Blue Spruce Maids are just a phone call away.

Contact us today, and our top-rated cleaning experts will take care of all the work. They’ll go the extra mile to make your home spotless, allowing you to replenish your energy at Standley Lake.

Schedule our services now, and cleaning will no longer be your concern!

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