Top Do’s and Don’ts of Home Cleaning: Part 2

By admin September 30, 2022 Uncategorized ,

How many times have you started cleaning and lost your motivation midway through? You can’t hold your broom for a second longer, so you outsource the work to qualified Wheat Ridge, CO, house cleaning services. 

Hiring professionals is the best way to get an impeccable place. It saves you time and prevents stress. 

However, is there anything you can do to improve your routine when taking the DIY route? There is, and you’re about to find out what. Read on for the top 8 do’s and don’ts of cleaning your dwelling

What should I do and avoid doing when cleaning my home? 

best Home Cleaning servicesWhether cleaning your stone countertops or scrubbing floors, you want to do the work safely. Still, you don’t want to spend 5-6 hours on your knees.

The only way to do so is to follow the best practices of cleaning: 

Do #1 – Microwave your sponges and cloths 

You can’t clean your home properly without adequate tools. This especially holds for your sponges and clothes. To make sure they don’t do more harm than good, pop them in your microwave for about 30 seconds. This will remove bacteria and many other contaminants. 

Microwaving your sponges and clothes for about 30 seconds can indeed be an effective way to help remove bacteria and other contaminants. The heat generated in the microwave can kill certain microorganisms, reducing the risk of spreading harmful germs around your home. However, it’s important to note that not all types of sponges and cloths are microwave-safe, so be sure to check the labels and manufacturer’s instructions before attempting this method.

Additionally, it’s crucial to exercise caution when microwaving any items, as they can become hot and potentially cause burns. Always use heat-resistant gloves or tongs to handle the sponges or cloths after microwaving and allow them to cool before using them for cleaning purposes.

While microwaving can help disinfect sponges and cloths to some extent, it’s important to remember that these items have a limited lifespan. Over time, they can accumulate residue, wear down, or develop an unpleasant odor, making them less effective even after cleaning. It’s advisable to replace sponges regularly and washcloths with hot water and detergent to maintain cleanliness and hygiene in your home.

Remember, using proper cleaning techniques and tools, in conjunction with regular maintenance and replacement, will ensure that your home stays clean and free from harmful contaminants.

Don’t #1 – Don’t reuse rags 

Using a rag repeatedly without washing it is ill-advised. It spreads germs throughout the house and doesn’t address dust appropriately. 

Reusing dirty rags without washing them can be counterproductive and potentially spread germs and dirt around your home instead of effectively removing them. It’s important to maintain cleanliness and hygiene during the cleaning process.

To ensure thorough and hygienic cleaning, it’s recommended to use fresh, clean rags or microfiber cloths for different areas or surfaces in your home. This helps prevent cross-contamination and ensures that you’re effectively removing dirt, dust, and germs from each surface.

After using a rag or cloth, it’s a good practice to wash it properly before using it again. This can be done by either hand-washing the rags with soap and warm water or by machine-washing them with appropriate detergent. Be sure to follow the care instructions for the specific type of cloth you’re using.

In addition to using clean rags, it’s also important to regularly clean and disinfect your cleaning tools, such as mops, brushes, and vacuum attachments, to maintain their effectiveness and prevent the transfer of dirt and germs.

By implementing these simple practices of using fresh rags and regularly cleaning your cleaning tools, you can ensure a more hygienic and effective cleaning process, providing a cleaner and healthier living environment for you and your family.

The solution is simple – swap out dirty rags for fresh ones before you start cleaning. 

Do #2 – Clean glass with newspapers and vinegar 

Newspapers are made of dense materials with soft fibers, making them a non-abrasive tool for glass cleaning. Also, you probably have tons of them in your house. 

Newspapers can be a surprisingly effective tool for cleaning glass surfaces. The dense materials and soft fibers of newspapers help to absorb liquid and remove streaks, making them a non-abrasive option for achieving a clear and streak-free shine on glass.

Using newspapers for glass cleaning is also a cost-effective choice since many households have newspapers readily available. Instead of purchasing specialized glass cleaning cloths or paper towels, repurposing old newspapers can save you money and reduce waste.

In addition to using newspapers, vinegar is indeed a versatile and affordable cleaning agent that can be used for various purposes, including glass cleaning. The acidic nature of vinegar helps to dissolve and remove dirt, smudges, and stains from glass surfaces effectively. To use vinegar for cleaning, you can mix it with water in a spray bottle, apply it to the glass surface, and then wipe it clean with a newspaper or a lint-free cloth.

It’s important to note that while vinegar is generally considered safe and non-toxic, it’s always a good idea to test it on a small, inconspicuous area of the glass surface first, especially if you have any concerns about its compatibility with certain types of glass or coatings.

By utilizing newspapers and vinegar for glass cleaning, you can achieve sparkling and streak-free results while being mindful of cost and reducing the use of potentially harmful chemicals.

Another tip for saving money and avoiding toxic solutions is to use vinegar. It’s a versatile agent and much more affordable than commercial products. 

Don’t #2 – Don’t clean windows on a sunny day 

Cleaning your windows when it’s sunny is a mistake. The cleansers evaporate too quickly due to the warmth, leaving streaks. 

Cleaning windows on a sunny day can indeed pose some challenges. The heat from the sun can cause the cleaning solution to evaporate quickly before you have a chance to wipe it off, resulting in streaks and residue on the glass.

Choosing an overcast day to clean your windows can be beneficial because the cooler temperatures and lack of direct sunlight allow the cleaning solution to stay on the glass surface for a longer period, giving you more time to wipe it away and achieve a streak-free shine.

If you must clean your windows on a sunny day, you can try a few strategies to minimize streaking. Work in small sections, apply the cleaning solution sparingly and immediately wipe it off with a lint-free cloth or squeegee before it has a chance to evaporate. Working quickly and efficiently can help you achieve better results even in sunny conditions.

However, if possible, waiting for an overcast day or choosing a time when the windows are shaded can make the window cleaning process smoother and increase your chances of achieving crystal-clear, streak-free windows.

Therefore, save this chore for an overcast day. 

Do #3 – Use lemons to clean stainless steel 

Maintaining stainless steel surfaces can be tricky since they don’t tolerate many substances. However, you can safely use lemons.  

The acid can cut through practically any grime while leaving your place smelling fresh. You can also combine lemons with salt to tackle stubborn stains without applying too much abrasion. 

Maintaining stainless steel surfaces can indeed be a bit challenging, as they are susceptible to damage from certain substances. However, lemons can be a safe and effective option for cleaning and maintaining the shine of stainless steel.

Lemons contain citric acid, which has natural cleaning properties that can help cut through grime and remove stubborn stains on stainless steel surfaces. The acid helps dissolve grease, fingerprints, and other residues, leaving your surfaces looking clean and shiny. Additionally, the refreshing citrus scent of lemons can leave your home smelling fresh and pleasant.

It’s important to note that while lemons are generally safe for stainless steel, it’s advisable to test the lemon juice or salt mixture on a small, inconspicuous area first to ensure it doesn’t cause any adverse reactions or damage.

By using lemons as a natural cleaning agent, you can effectively tackle grime and stains on stainless steel surfaces while avoiding harsh chemicals that may be harmful to both your health and the environment.

Don’t #3 – Don’t vacuum with a full bag 

Vacuuming with a full bag prolongs the process because the appliance is ineffective in this state. That’s why it’s key to empty the canister or bag after each use. It enables the machine to suck up dust more easily. 

Emptying the canister or bag of your vacuum cleaner after each use is indeed crucial for maintaining its efficiency and ensuring effective cleaning. When the bag or canister is full, it restricts the airflow and reduces the suction power of the vacuum, making it less effective in picking up dust and debris.

By regularly emptying the bag or canister, you allow the vacuum cleaner to operate at its optimal level. This enables it to create stronger suction, effectively removing dirt, dust, pet hair, and other particles from your floors and surfaces.

Here are a few tips for emptying the canister or bag of your vacuum cleaner:

  1. Refer to the manufacturer’s instructions: Different vacuum models may have varying methods of emptying the canister or replacing the bag. Consult the user manual specific to your vacuum cleaner to ensure you follow the correct procedure.
  2. Switch off and unplug the vacuum cleaner: Before attempting to empty the canister or replace the bag, always turn off the vacuum and unplug it from the power source. This helps prevent any accidents or injuries.
  3. Remove the canister or bag: Depending on your vacuum cleaner, you may need to detach the canister or open the compartment that houses the bag. Follow the instructions provided to access the bag or canister easily.
  4. Dispose of the contents: If you have a bagless vacuum with a canister, empty the contents into a trash bag or bin. For vacuum cleaners with bags, carefully remove the bag and dispose of it properly according to your local waste disposal guidelines. It’s a good practice to seal the bag before disposal to prevent any dust from escaping.
  5. Clean the canister or replace the bag: After emptying the canister or bag, take a moment to wipe down the interior with a damp cloth or replace the bag if necessary. This helps maintain cleanliness and prevents any buildup of dust or debris.
  6. Reassemble and store: Once you have emptied and cleaned the canister or replaced the bag, securely reattach it to the vacuum cleaner as per the manufacturer’s instructions. Store any extra bags in a clean, dry place for future use.

By regularly emptying the canister or bag of your vacuum cleaner, you’ll ensure that it operates at its best performance, allowing for efficient cleaning and a dust-free environment.

Do #4 – Clean baseboards with dryer sheets 

Dryer sheets are a perfect item for keeping your house clean. They’re most helpful when dealing with dirty baseboards. Running them along the surface repels dust and makes the area smell nice. 

In addition to their use in laundry, dryer sheets can indeed be versatile when it comes to keeping your house clean. One particularly handy application is using them to tackle dirty baseboards. These often overlooked surfaces can accumulate dust and grime over time, but dryer sheets offer a simple and effective solution.

To clean your baseboards with dryer sheets, start by grabbing a fresh dryer sheet. You can use any brand or scent you prefer. Run the dryer sheet along the surface of the baseboard, applying gentle pressure. The sheet’s texture helps to repel dust, allowing it to cling to the sheet rather than settling back onto the baseboard.

As you clean, you’ll also notice a pleasant fragrance being released from the dryer sheet. This not only helps to freshen the area but also leaves a subtle scent lingering in the air. It can be a small but delightful touch that contributes to a cleaner and more inviting environment.

Remember to replace the dryer sheet as needed during the cleaning process, especially if it becomes too saturated with dust or dirt. Once you’ve finished cleaning all the baseboards, you can dispose of the used sheets in your regular trash.

Keep in mind that while dryer sheets can be useful for quick touch-ups and regular maintenance, they may not be sufficient for deep cleaning or removing stubborn grime. In such cases, you may need to employ additional cleaning methods or products specifically designed for more intensive cleaning tasks.

So, next time you’re tackling household cleaning, consider reaching for dryer sheets to effortlessly repel dust and add a pleasant aroma while taking care of your baseboards.

Don’t #4 – Don’t let dust build-up 

Dirty floors are more likely to develop scratches. Similarly, letting the particles accumulate on your polished wood shelves can damage and distort the finish. 

Sweeping frequently prevents the granules from settling and wreaking havoc on your home. 

Maintaining clean floors and polished wood shelves is essential to preserve their appearance and prevent unnecessary damage. When dirt, debris, and particles accumulate on these surfaces, they can become abrasive and cause scratches or wear down the finish over time. To prevent this, regular sweeping is key.

By sweeping your floors frequently, you remove loose dirt, dust, and small particles that can act like tiny abrasive agents when stepped on or dragged across the floor. This simple act helps prevent these granules from settling and causing damage. Depending on the type of flooring you have, you may want to use a broom with soft bristles or a microfiber dust mop to ensure you’re effectively capturing the dirt without scratching the surface.

In addition to floors, it’s equally important to keep your polished wood shelves free from accumulated particles. Dust and debris can accumulate on the surface of the shelves, gradually wearing down the finish and even distorting it over time. Regularly dusting the shelves with a soft cloth or microfiber duster helps prevent this buildup and maintains the luster and integrity of the wood.

By incorporating frequent sweeping into your cleaning routine, you create a cleaner and safer environment while also extending the life and beauty of your floors and wood shelves. Remember, prevention is always easier than repair, and a little effort in keeping your surfaces clean goes a long way in preserving their quality.

Can’t stand cleaning? End the frustration by booking the pre-eminent Wheat Ridge, CO, house cleaning services!

Home Cleaning servicePicture this: you’ve planned a fishing trip to Clear Creek, but there’s a problem – your allergies flare up. As a result, you have to postpone your adventure. 

But why did you suddenly start coughing and sneezing like crazy? It could be that your home is caked in dust. If so, it’s time for Blue Spruce Maids to intervene.

We are the finest team of maids in Wheat Ridge and beyond in Colorado. Using in-depth methods and effective tools, we can rid your house of dust and clean your place from top to bottom. You’ll be left with a fresh and wholesome abode. Schedule our premier services now! 


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